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為什麼同樣的事又發生了呢? Why the same thing happens again?
為什麼同樣的情緒又出來了呢? Why the same fellings again?
I took my second stage (the last one was a year ago) of treatment of nail fungus about a week ago because I had a recurrence. The doctor prescribed another kind of antibiotics. Two pills a day, for two weeks.
Last night I had a dream. I am a member of a 5-peopled special fright team, 4 guys, including me and one girl, none of them are the people I know I real life. We were assigned to transport two cargoes; both were labeled “Biohazard”. Just like usual (it’s strange that this is the first time I remember I had this dream but I feel very familiar about all these), we put on our equipment, weapons all armed just in case, we are very professional.
Couple of days ago, I saw a interesting TV commercial on Discovery channel. I goggled it and found out it was the new commercial of Discovery channel for 2009, “Boom Dia Da”. Like I said, it’s a very interesting and nice commercial; the notes are catchy, the lyrics are lovely and the main theme ”The World is awesome” is very clear.